Note: The most recent postings of The Gourd
can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

In A...A...A...Albuquerque!

Saurkraut aside, it's been a great trip. We are now at the Albuquerque International Airport, awaiting a flight at 4:45 back to Orlando. With what glee did I exit the boarding ramp and see the sign that read, "Wireless Internet Access Available"! With what sudden downfall did I remember that my screen is dead. But that's OK, because for you, my reader, I am willing to post using EXTRA large fonts in order to bring you the latest in the Gourd's life.

I hope soon to post many pictures of the California trip. Until then, I will recap a little. It was great to see all of my dad's family again. Everyone is doing well, and my cousins were all grown up! We cousins got along sublimely, and I even got to meet a few of my (once removed) nephews.

I picked up "The Divine Conspiracy" last night on recommendation from Mr. G. I've only read the firstchapter so far, and I have mixed feelings. I totally agree with what he's saying, but he seems to be saying it very quickly, as if he's said these things so many times before that he can't remember what's common knowledge and what he's trying to remind us of. In that way it seems to lack a logical structure, but perhaps that will pick up more as I read. He's certainly on the right track, IMHO, and his personal "kingdom" approach is a refreshingly new idea to me.

In any case, may you all be well, and I can't wait to see everyone again in the big TN.



At 8/24/2005 11:12 AM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

*pointed female glare*

i see how it is. the GSM pulls more weight in your nerd world than i do.

....*pause*...oh, wait.

anyways. i would like some comments as well. i know i pretty much see you every day, but comments mean a lot to me.



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