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Friday, January 20, 2006

New Voyages

OK, so apparently some major Star Trek fans have gotten together and started continuing the original series, picking up "Season 4" where NBC left off in the 60's. They've got two episodes out, and plan to continue releasing one episode per year.

I watched the first two episodes today. (You can download them for free). As you'd imagine, they're not exactly the same caliber as the original series, but the second was better than the first, and the third episode is supposed to be excellent. (The original Sulu is coming back for that episode, which is coming out this Spring, and it's going to be all about him.)

I think the biggest problem is the pacing/timing. It doesn't quite feel right. Things seem to jump around or linger too long. The sets, costumes, and general aura are excellent, though. I'm sure the acting will improve as the actors get more used to their roles. The special effects could be better, but I'd rather have a good story and good acting than good special effects.

All in all, I want to love it, but I have to hold back a little bit, because it needs some time to work out the kinks. That said, I'm still excited, because this captures the spirit of the original series.

I'm ready to see the next episode.


At 1/21/2006 8:38 PM, Blogger CheeseShaman said...

The characters look dumb.

I frown upon the lot of them.

But good energy in the writing, B+.

At 1/23/2006 7:39 PM, Blogger Your Hamster Friend said...

Help!!! Where is it? How do I find them?

At 1/23/2006 9:16 PM, Blogger The Gourd said...

You will find that most of my posts have hidden embedded links. Click on the title. ("New Voyages")

The videos are kind of hard to get, so I'll put them on the N: drive for you.

FYI - If you dig old-school trek, I am currently in the process of acquiring the whole series on DVD. Let me know if you're interested in watching it sometime.


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