Note: The most recent postings of The Gourd
can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Yay for Updates!

Welcome to 2006.

A Happy New Year to you all! What has the Gourd been up to, you ask? Well, let me tell you.

Since Christmas I've mostly been sitting around reading book 11 of tWoT, but that's finally done, so now I can have a life again. I've also been recording wedding music to be played while guests are seating and during the ceremony. For Christmas, I got some cool stuff including a soldering iron that heats and cool instantly, a nice sweater, a ton of gift cards, and some candies and other sundry items. Oh, and Ms. Grady and I got CatchPhrase as a wedding gift, and we've been having fun with that.

Honestly, my life hasn't been too exciting since Christmas, but I felt like I owed a true update. I'm getting a private room next semester. My last roommate was a good guy, and we got along pretty well, but I really feel like I need a room to myself now, since it's my last semester and I'll probably be really busy with lab reports and other stuff like that. Not to mention that the 2nd floor was a nightmare. I'll be back in good ol' Club 303.

Since finishing Knife of Dreams -- Which is very good, BTW. He tied off three major story lines at the end, which makes me think that he may actually finish the series in one more book... Nahhh. -- I've been reading Brother Lawrence, who is also very good. I've also been studying the Japanese book Placke got me.

As far as new movies, I've seen The Island (good) and Serenity (GREAT). Kind of makes me wish I had seen Firefly. Serenity's dialogue wasn't always that great (it is Josh Whedon, after all), but everything else was excellent.

I think I've about run out of topics. Except that I'm EXTREMELY curious about GSM's new Apple computer, and that he's being EXTREMELY evil by not divulging information. Grrr...

Bye everybody!


At 1/05/2006 1:20 PM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

hey man, i need to ask about when we're leaving. :)

btw, i FINALLY got your C-mas present. i sure hope you'll like it. :3


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