Note: The most recent postings of The Gourd
can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Monday, March 28, 2005

We're Back!

Hey everybody! We're back safely from Saba. What an amazing trip! I'll try to set up a web page pretty soon with a bunch of pictures and a report of the work we did, but for now suffice it to say that God was very much at work on the beautiful island of Saba...

In other awesome news: I got the Vanderbilt internship! Whoohoo!!!! Now I have to start making plans... More to follow.

Here are the people who are leading the group I'll be working with along with some of their research: ("Molecular Modeling of Nanostructural Materials")
Dr. Peter Cummings
Dr. Clare McCabe

Thursday, March 17, 2005

Double Lives

Well guys, it's time to come clean. I've been leading several double lives, and I think it's high time you all knew about my hidden talents, especially in the women's equestrian field.

Sports Career
Catholic Horse Coaching
More Horses
Even More
Stormwater Management
Military Tattoo Artist
Software Development
Proud Lamb Owner

GH - A Prose on Revelation

This one's nice and eerie with lots of open parallel fifth sounds and some interjectory jazz chords. I know it says, “Prose”, but it's really too poetic to write in paragraph form, so I've put it in verse.

A Prose On Revelation

The lights were dim
And the air was still.
Three corners closed,
Condemned to kill.
The fourth was Peace,
Bearing seven seals,
Traveling toward America,
Forbidding nations steal.
Sounding as the flower child,
Loving dolphins, hugging trees,
Begging the others
To cease conspiracies.
The fifth fell from above,
The one accused to Hell.
He turned it open
And he smelled a smoky smell.

Looking, I saw the Lamb
Standing high on Zion.
With him, the 144K,
With his Father's name above their eyes.
His voice was like the ocean,
Touched by every angry cloud.
He was singing songs I'd never heard,
And the harps were loud.
They were very, very loud.
He said, “Be gentle with the grass
And any green thing.
Destroy all the unmarked,
But leave the hugged trees.
Torment with scorpions' tails;
Make them seek to die.
Let giant locusts with long hair
Fill and split the eye.”

“Teach them the sad, sad song
Of the broken Babylonian,
Who laughed when good men suffered
And splintered their foundations.”

For on, the three beheaded souls
Still witness, with a smile,
Restored as priests to rob the beasts
Of anything worthwhile.
Then I saw the face of light,
And all around the globe
The river ran, unending life
From the blood-stained throne.
The Alpha Son and Omega Father
And Ever-living Spirit
Spoke the word in unison
For any who would hear it,
Sending angels from the stars
With the winds of Heaven,
To loose the chains and bend the bars
For all the Forehead 7.

The God who showed me all these things said,
“Surely I come quickly.”
I glanced a little further down,
To see the end of history...

Wednesday, March 16, 2005


Yay! I'm feeling better, now, despite a tiny bit of congestion. However, Ms. Grady is sick, so please be praying for her, especially that she'll get better before we go to Saba.

Things are going to be very busy the next few days as we get ready to leave, but I'm excited. I can't wait to go somewhere and forget about school for a while! I'm going to be drinking Ting like nobody's business. (Ting is a grapefruit soda owned by Pepsi, just in case that last statement made anyone nervous.) And we are doing so many different service projects that I know I'll be getting a good night's sleep each night. As long as the goat settles OK in my stomach, that is. ("...Hey, how you doin' down there?" ...*bleats*) OK, I guess that was kind of weird... I'm going to bed now. I hope everyone else has a great Spring Break, too! Be safe, and God bless!

Good night, Mary-Ellen. Good night, Momma. Good night, John-Boy! *cues harmonica*

Monday, March 14, 2005


I'm sick today. Bleh... I started sneezing a lot yesterday afternoon, and by the night I was congested with a fever. It didn't help that I was up late preparing to teach D.E. class today. Today the congestion has gone down, but I have a fever and a headache, and I hurt all over. I think my presentation in class went pretty well, even though I did drop the spring apparatus, which came crashing down at one point. I'm also worried that my presentation might have been really boring. I dunno. I was having a hard time judging the other students' reactions. Oh well, at least it's finally over.

We went and listened to the Conversations program tonight about up-and-coming technologies and some of the ethical implications around them. It was a good time, but now my brain hurts. I'm going to go to bed.

Saba is only five days away now. I cannot wait. This trip is going to be so uplifting! I just hope I feel better in time...

Good night, all.

Saturday, March 12, 2005

Glorious Day!

Wow! What a gorgeous day outside! This is one of those perfect Saturday afternoons that you look back on in rainy February and dream about. The air is nice, the sun is out, there are no classes... Yay! I think we'll go to the park this afternoon.

Before that the Go Stone and I are gonna go to the furniture store soon (Rhode's is going out of business) and see about a futon or something for if (when) I move in with him this summer.

Last night we got some pizza (yum!) and went to Go Stone's apartment to watch this really cool movie called "Dragonfly". If you haven't seen it I must say that we really enjoyed it. (Kevin Costner - 2002). Afterwards we were really silly and Go Stone and the Pondering Panda had a laughing contest, then we ate munchies and played Cranium. Good times, good times...

OK, now I'm gonna try to get some homework done before Go Stone gets here.

Thursday, March 10, 2005

All-nighters are FUN!

I worked on my Physics Take-home Test last night. It was sort of a busy day, so I didn't get started until about 9:45 at night, but I didn't plan to have to work very much later than midnight. After all, I had done the first two out of eight problems a few days ago and they were really easy. Maybe 5-10 minutes a piece...

I went to bed at 5:00 AM. *_*

Oh, and I still didn't finish the test in time.


Bleh Bleh Bleh.

Bleh Bleh BLEH Bleh Bleh.


So now I'm going to finish the rest of it and turn it in a day late tomorrow. At least now I can double-check my answers and make sure that I'll get full possible credit. Cursed nanometers! Cursed electron-Volts! Cursed speed-of-light factors! Cursed wave-function Psi! Aargh!!!


Wait, tomorrow's Friday. ^_^

*bliss ensues*

Tuesday, March 08, 2005

GH - Clouds

This song makes me think of elephants on the savanna under dark storm clouds or something like that. It just has an African feel that is very sober and mellowing, but contented, too.

I've found websites selling GH CD's still, so I guess I can't post MP3's. Contact me if you'd like to hear some of these songs...


If tears were to roll from your face
I'd be the angel to quickly embrace
If you were to stumble and fall
Would it be my name that you'd call?

Will you run when the clouds come?
And will you hide when it rains?
Why do you drown in the flood?
Do you wanna cause all this pain?

If the mountains become too steep
And visions of my love become too deep
And everyone goes spiraling down the hall
Would it be my name that you'd call?

Will you run when the clouds come?
And will you hide when it rains?
Why do you drown in the flood?
Do you wanna cause all this pain?

When you feel alone and no-one to trust
Your spirit's low and dyin' is a must
If you should feel that your life's about to storm
Would it be my name that you'd call?

Will you run when the clouds come?
And will you hide when it rains?
Why do you drown in the flood?
Do you wanna cause all this pain?

Scrabble Night

Last night we went to Scrabble Night with some friends from church. What a fun time! We had pasta and baked some oatmeal cookies and then got some games underway. Ms. Grady and I were on a team and played a 94-point word on the first turn ("fettered" - on the "double-double", which is not quite as good as the triple-triple, but whatever). I think that won the game for us, if not for the points, then definitely for the intimidation factor. Still, a good time was had by all. We listened to some good 70's music (Warren Zevon & John Lennon) on LP and with nothing in the room to suggest the 21st century, I kind of felt like I was in a time-warp.

Afterwards we played an awesome little game called "take two", where you put all the tiles in the middle of the table face down and each player pulls out seven. On the signal, everyone flips their letters over and tries to make a Scrabble formation with them. (Ex: "AEBDGOO" --> "be", "bad", "dog", and "go" all in one formation.) When someone uses all seven letters, they call out, "take two" and everyone draws two more tiles, including the person who called it. You can only call "take two" when you have no more tiles to fit in your formation. The winner is the player who uses up all of their tiles once there are no more on the table. But just a little warning, to quote Daniel: "If Scrabble is like cocaine, then this game is crack... the quick and dirty fix. But I can quit any time I want to... Really." Draws seven tiles.

BTW, for those of you still curious what the "triple-triple" is, go here.

Sunday, March 06, 2005


Caution, this one's gross.

So tonight we went to the Calypso Cafe after church, which I must say had some excellent food. I had the Jerk Chicken, and before I continue I must say that it was simply exquisite. Well anyways, after dinner we were taking the Go Stone back to the building to get his car when some chicken-skin/fat stuff kind of regurgitated itself into my mouth. (Don't worry - this is totally normal for me! For some reason my stomach tends to reject swallowed fat. Not a bad problem, IMO.) So, naturally not wanting to re-swallow the unhealthy chicken-skin/fat compound, I rolled down the window to spit it out. The problem is that I've never been very good at spitting out of moving cars (usually it comes back and hits me in the face, no matter how hard I try to prevent it), so when I spat this time the chicken went plop right on the inside edge of the window I had just rolled down. DOH! I think the Sunset Chick said, "Ew!", but I'm not really sure, because the Go Stone was laughing SO HARD that I soon began to fear for his life. He was still laughing when we pulled up to his car a few minutes later. I guess these are the things we'll remember 30 years from now when our kids go off to college. Oh well. I fished around for a napkin and cleaned up the chicken-skin/fat compound before it left a mark on the window.

Yep. That's my story. Don't say I didn't warn you!

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

GH - "What Will I Find?"

Try to think of what Green Day would sound like as an acapella group... That's how this song sounds. (It's awesome!)

What Will I Find?

Questions arise from the other side:
Why do you think that someone died to give you life?
What is this essence that surrounds me?
Is it man or spirit that's against me?
Is it man or spirit that is for me?

I've been searching for my state of mind
Pardon me if it's not your kind (what will I find?)
I'll be searching for my state of mind
Until I've finally found what I'll find (what will I find?)

Questions arise from the brother's side:
Why dispute the traditions that we've tried to doctrinize?
In what direction am I walking?
Should I feel shame because I'm thinking?
Should I feel shame if I'm not thinking?

I've been searching for my state of mind
Pardon me if it's not your kind (what will I find?)
I'll be searching for my state of mind
Until I've finally found what I'll find (what will I find?)

Why are you here?
What's life without you?
Do I really need you?
Why am I here?
What's life without me?
Do you really need me?

Hear it all, hear it all, hear it all...

I've been searching for my state of mind
Pardon me if it's not your kind (what will I find?)
I'll be searching for my state of mind
Until I've finally found what I'll find (what will I find?)

No, Seriously

OK, so the last post was something of a farce, but typing in Dvorak is seriously hard work. I'm going at about 5 WPM here, and I think the best word for what I'm feeling is "excruciating". So much for improved speeds and comfort...

"You must unlearn what you have learned." -- Yoda

On a more relevant note, check out this cool short film: "More"

You need QuickTime (sorry), and be sure to watch it somewhere where you can hear the music, which makes a huge difference in the experience. I saw this quite a few years ago on Sci-Fi and it's stuck with me since, which is sayin' a lot, Mr. Frodo.

A very nice message about late capitalism, IMHO.

Long live the Anteaters!

Jgpo.e Ekrpat T.fxrapeo!

Yreaf C-m yflcbi ,cyd a Ekrpat t.fxrapev Ao frg jab o..w C-m bry irre ay cy f.yw xgy C-nn i.y x.yy.p! C lprmco.v

Cryptoquip clue: a = a