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can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Thursday, August 25, 2005


This morning when I got up there was a sign on the bathroom door:

Mandatory 2nd Floor Meeting Tonight, Midnight. $25 fine for not attending.

Seriously, is there anything in this meeting that couldn't be covered by sending out an email? Or printed on paper and taped to our doors? Or that couldn't have been covered in the midnight dorm meeting Monday night, for that matter? Or again, that I haven't already heard every time since I was a freshman?

Last night SC had her floor meeting at 11:00, but she was already pretty exhausted by 8:30. So we watched Spirited Away in Sewell lobby to keep her up until the meeting, but she didn't make it, and my RHD had to get on my case because she was laying her head on my stomach. She was feeling horrible, and it was still only 10:15, so I turned off the movie and walked her back to her dorm, where she went to bed. I don't know if she got fined or not. I know that the rules are the rules, and all fallen human institutions become bloated with bureaucracy over time, but I hate this feeling of helplessness. Sometimes I feel that its time for me to be an adult, to see myself as one, to assume responsibility for things in my life, but then sometimes I get these reminders and I feel like I'm a kid playing games in a sandbox. I don't blame my RHD as a person for enforcing this institution's rules, but I still marvel that he asked me why in the world I didn't want to live on campus this semester.

Per last night's post, I still can't wait to graduate, but I also realize that wherever you go in life, whether work, school, or church, you'll always have to deal with this kind of stupidity one place or another. The only thing is that at Lipscomb you don't really have a basic refuge from it.

I don't know if I'll go to tonight's meeting or not. I guess I will, because I think I'll be able to sleep in some tomorrow. And because I don't want to pay $25 for sleeping instead of standing quietly in the hallway for 20 minutes.


At 8/25/2005 9:13 PM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

all i can say is that i understand, bro.

and yeah, you will face this later on in life.

but things will get worse. i'm not telling you what to do (perhaps I am), but this is nothing compared to everything else the RL will throw at you.


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