Note: The most recent postings of The Gourd
can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Tuesday, July 19, 2005

Fear the Cleaning Ninja!

This was me in the kitchen tonight. No, really. Ask GSM. He was here the other day. Things were BAD. The table had crumbs all over it, the sink was full of weeks-old dirty dishes, the counter was covered in soap water and crumbs, and the stove had weeks of caked sauces and various meats built up on it. So I pretty much went to town. The cleaning lady came by this morning while we were all at work, but only worked on the bathroom. She didn't touch the kitchen (it really was that bad), and instead, left a bottle of spray cleaner on the table for us. This was pretty good stuff. It was especially designed to go above and beyond basic disinfecting, and said it would even kill HIV that may be residing on surfaces due to blood or some other body fluid. I don't think there was any HIV around, but it still did the trick. The kitchen is now spic-and-span, and I have wrinkley fingers.

Oh. And I cleaned my room, too. :)


At 7/20/2005 5:23 AM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...


to be honest...i don't remember ever recieving this letter you sent to me...but i can say how much you've blessed my heart by posting it here and letting me (re)read it. I agree whole-heartedly with everything you expressed. I want all of those things as well! I want to do them! And it never occured to me that to struggle is not so much a bad thing - it shows that you're trying to combat the darkness that's trying to destroy you.

There's so much i want to say and ask about the letter, but i'll email you for them.

Thank you for posting this.

At 7/20/2005 5:27 AM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

so...let's try to do all these things... this year, and the next, and so on. let's see if we can bring the church back.

To God be the glory! :)

At 7/20/2005 6:19 AM, Blogger CheeseShaman said...

Funny pic!

But what, you?! Not liking to do the dishes? Nooooo, not Gourd!


At 7/20/2005 7:03 AM, Blogger The Gourd said...

Well, it was my responsibility, too. I'm sure a little of that mess was mine.

The picture was from Howl's Moving Castle, BTW, which is an EPIC film of MONSTROUS proportions which I recommend you all go see. I, on the other hand, would like to go see March of the Penguins.

At 7/20/2005 9:02 AM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

i forgot to add something. if you haven't already read my blog, leave some prayer requests there. in the comment box thing.

are you SURE you want to see the penguin movie? i'm sure it just smacks of cuteness! *squees at baby penguins* 8D

At 7/20/2005 9:02 AM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

i forgot to add something. if you haven't already read my blog, leave some prayer requests there. in the comment box thing.

are you SURE you want to see the penguin movie? i'm sure it just smacks of cuteness! *squees at baby penguins* 8D


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