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can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Wednesday, June 15, 2005

Reading, Life

I finished A Voice in the Wind last night. Man, it was good! I know it's fiction, but it was so encouraging to read about Hadassah standing up for her faith. I look at my own life and I realize that Christianity has gone far from its roots. This book is highly recommended reading for anyone interested. It's true that the beginning is slow and Rivers' constantly-shifting POV annoyed me at first, but let me just say that the end is glorious. I can't wait to get a hold of the second book.

My sleep habits have been drifting later lately (getting up at 9:30, 10:00), so I decided to suck it up last night and set my alarm for 7:00 AM. I didn't actually get up till 7:30, but it's a start! It was nice to have plenty of time to shower, eat breakfast, work out, read, etc. before work. I'll shoot for a true 7:00 tomorrow.

Tonight is church and go club, which makes me happy. I feel the need to spend time with other Christians more these days. That will be encouraging. I've also been brushing up on my go skills. And I haven't seen GSM for a while, so it will be good to spend a little time with him.

Work is still creeping along. I hope Dr. Cummings will contact me soon about the molecules I'll be working with. Right now I'm doing some simple simulations on my own to make sure I understand the processes involved. But the sooner I can start some real work, the better!

Finally, for you, my reader:

May the Lord bless you and keep you.
May He make his face shine upon you and be gracious to you.
May He turn his face toward you and give you peace.


At 6/16/2005 5:28 PM, Blogger CheeseShaman said...


FWAAAA! Why do you type so! Getting up at 7 is nothing compared to what I must combat! The hour of 6 AM lurks in my room! For I must get up at that time!!

One MOOORE thing!

Why do you need Doctor person to give you molecules!! Go find your own!

One MOOORE thing!

I like the WoT game! The graphics are slightly elderly, but this is forgivable!!! Thank YOU!!

At 6/16/2005 6:40 PM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

my dear gourd-

i have much to say, but there is not enough room on this little notepad of a comment box to withstand all of my womanly knowledge. or babbling.

*glares deathfully at any males who dare to say something smarmy*

please check your email(s) for something. :)



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