Note: The most recent postings of The Gourd
can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Monday, July 18, 2005

Work, Computer

Warning, this post is mostly about nerdy stuff. If you want cutesy bunnies, well, too bad. Go google "Happy Tree Friends". *

Today is a very slow day. Kevin and I were supposed to go in for a meeting today, but it looks like it's been postponed till tomorrow. So the meeting we spent most of the day waiting for isn't going to happen. I guess I'll leave soon. I'm going to talk to some of the other guys in my apartment and see if any of them would mind if I tagged along to one of their labs one day, so I can see how some actual laboratory research is done. I don't think I've really gained too much experience here, besides seeing that research can be just as bureaucratic and inefficient as any other collective endeavor.

Don't get me wrong. I'm really glad to be here, and if nothing else, I've met some people who can help me along if I go to graduate school here, and they've certainly provided very generously for me. Having seen some of the other research projects at group meetings, I can see that research really could be exciting; I guess I'm just out of my element here.

I've spent most of the day backing up CD's onto my work laptop. When I get everything to mp3, I'll transfer it to GSM's computer, and he'll make me a backup DVD. I've already got all of my documents, etc. transferred over. I'm going to wipe my computer, since Windows seems to have a tendency to get bloated and bogged down the longer it's installed on a computer. I might go with Windows 2000 next. I'm getting frequent stop errors in XP for various reasons. I think the problem is drivers, but it could mean hardware is failing. I dunno. But if it's just that the Windows XP driver model is a little too advanced for my WinME laptop, I think Windows 2000 should be more stable. I thought about going to 98, but it just has too big a tendency to crash, and there's no process killing in that system.

It just occurred to me that this is a good idea, since Linux gave me similar grief. The 2.4 kernel was very stable and worked great for me, but if I used the 2.6 kernel, regardless of distro, my computer would just hang shortly after boot.

Yes, well. I realize that was probably boring for all of you except GSM, but excluding the fact that I'm going to Louisville this weekend, that's what's exciting in my life right now.

Oh yeah. And we're gonna go play pool with one of the IGERT professors tonight. That should be fun!

*chalks pool cue and hopes Lipscomb skills will return for the evening*

* Please note that I abhor Happy Tree Friends, but it is the only even partially cutesy thing I know of on the internet.


At 7/18/2005 4:46 PM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

hey, i didn't mean to jump on you or anything about FP. you sounded irked, i dunno. i'm sorry.

btw, she doesn't really die in the first book. :)

oddly enough, i knew what you were talking about.

At 7/18/2005 7:20 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey, i like nerd stuff. don't worry about your pool skills; you can borrow mine for the night.

At 7/18/2005 11:04 PM, Blogger The Gourd said...

PB - Yes, I know she doesn't die, but until you read the teaser for book two, you don't know that. And don't worry about FP. It's cool, yo. ;)

Mr. G - Thank you for the use of your skillz. They actually came in handy, and I was pretty well matched with the other players. And how could I possibly exclude a fellow member of the Nerd Squad from anything remotely nerdy? Please forgive me.

At 7/19/2005 5:06 AM, Blogger psykadelicbutterfly said...

:) okiedoke.

the nerd squad! *squee!* i need to write another episode for you guys. any suggestions?

quick question: how can Mr. G *waves at Mr. G* comment on your blog? did he register w/ blogger and just not open a blog of his own?

At 7/20/2005 6:09 AM, Blogger CheeseShaman said...

I guess Happy Tree Friends is cute. I always found it creepy, but a little funny too I guess. I however, did NOT understand what you wrote. Sorry. But I didn't really care, at least you're writing, ya? ^_^


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