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can be found at The Gourd Reborn.

Friday, June 17, 2005

Renewal, Miyazaki

I've been experiencing a spiritual renewal over the last few days. It started last weekend but really got moving after I read the end of A Voice in the Wind. In any case, I know that the spiritual life is a rollercoaster with ups and downs, but right now is a big up, and for this I am thankful.

I had said that I'd try to get up at 7:00 yesterday. Well, I got up at 9:00. DOH! But today I got up at 7:15. Just a little more and I'll be there!

Go club was pretty good. I played a guy named Art, who beat me by 18 points. Could be worse! At least he taught me the 3-3 invasion joseki, which I'm pretty sure GSM had shown me before, but it was a long time ago. After the club meeting ended, he (GSM) and I were both in need of a little relaxation (the club was a little hyper that night), so we went down the road to Bongo Java and had some root beer and played our own game. He smashed me, of course, but I learned some things, and that's really what counts. Last night I went to GSM's apartment and we had a good dinner (stroganoff and green beans) and some good times talking about stuff, politics, etc. Then we watched Grave of the Fireflies, which is a Miyazaki film about two children in WWII. It was very sad, and made us both think. You have to wonder what madness would cause men to make power grabs that provoke wars that starve children. The fire-bombs really were quite terrifying, especially when all of your cities are made out of wood.

It seems like a big time for Miyazaki right now. I'm taking Spirited Away to SC's family this weekend, and when I get back, GSM and I are gonna go see Howl's Moving Castle, which is actually being released in American theaters!


At 6/17/2005 2:22 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey man,
next time you're in the neighborhood, you should drop by. we would enjoy the company since we haven't seen you since the surgery!


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